We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone – Ronald Reagan
Usually, people will hold various missions for the sick and needy. They tend to go far places to give help and support which is a good thing because right now, we need to reach out and help everyone as much as we can to make our world a better place. But sometimes, we need to widen up our horizon and open our eyes because the people who seek for our help is just nearby.
This will melt your heart!Tiwala lang sa Diyos,makakalaya din kayo.
#PrisonMinistry #Compassion
Posted by Krizzia Kate Yuzon on Friday, August 24, 2018
Check out Krizzia Kate Yuzon’s video on Facebook! Krizza is one of the passionate people helping and sustaining this community! CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO
The inmates, rather, the people with deprived privileges, are one good example. They are citizens who committed crimes and are currently paying for it. Sadly, we tend to forget them. We give them little to no attention and effort to rehabilitate them into good citizens, making them having a hard time adjusting back to the society. That is why The James Mackay Foundation Inc., in collaboration with different organizations such as the Rotaracts of Makati Century City, went to the Imus Cavite City Jail for a Behind the Walls Mission.
Behind the Walls is a mission that aims to give encouragement and hope to our people with deprived privileges by providing them things that could help them continue their positive outlook of returning back to the society of them, becoming a good citizen.
Guitars, chessboards, and food were distributed to the inmates.
The mission inside the ICCJ gave us a glimpse of what is really happening behind the walls. There’s a large number of PWDP’s inside a small compound which hinders them to truly rehabilitate their life. Some of them has been there for a decade and even more. It is sad to see many people inside with no support and we are happy to be able to help and provide words of encouragement.
The two-hour visit ended up with a prayer and a promise of tomorrow that everything has a purpose and plan. To see these people smiling brightly, singing with us, and sharing stories about their lives inspire us to do good, be better, and be aware of the PWDP’s, that they are still human and capable of second chances. Truly, this is an experience that will open your eyes to our society and to be kind and helpful to one another no matter who they are and what they have done in life.